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Air Liquide与Sixtron合作发展晶体硅太阳能电池

   2010-05-12 SEMI21世纪新能源13540

Air Liquide和Sixtron Advanced Materials宣布合作发展晶体硅电池的先进镀膜材料,此项革新技术SilexiumTM将使晶体硅太阳能面板的生产商提高太阳能电池的效率,降低成本,减少前期资本支出。Air Liquide将补足其先进材料的ALOHATM范围,为晶体硅电池客户提供更具价值的气体解决方案。

Air Liquide and Sixtron Advanced Materials announced an exclusive partnership to promote and distribute advanced coating materials to crystalline silicon (“c-Si”) solar cell manufacturers worldwide. This innovative SilexiumTM technology will enable crystalline solar panel producers - which today represent around 70% of all photovoltaic manufacturers - to improve the performance of their solar cells efficiency and reduce costs/Wp without significant up-front capital investment.

This exclusive agreement will allow Air Liquide to complement its existing ALOHATM range of advanced precursor materials and propose a new valueadding gas solution to its c-Si  photovoltaic customers worldwide.

Sixtron is a Canadian company whose focus is developing scalable and costeffective industrial coating systems that improve the performance of solar cells. The SilexiumTM process solution combines proprietary precursor molecules with the SunBoxTM gas generation system to deposit new solar cell films.

The agreement will leverage Air Liquide’s leading position in the photovoltaic industry supply chain. Manufacturers of c-Si solar cells in more than 20 countries do already benefit from Air Liquide materials management and on-site services infrastructure, enabling them to now rapidly deploy the SilexiumTM technology to mass production.

Francisco Martins, Vice-President World Business Line Electronics of the Air Liquide Group, declared: “This global partnership with Sixtron demonstrates Air Liquide strategic interest to provide its photovoltaic customers with the safest, most advanced and lowest cost-of-ownership Gases & Precursors solutions in the market. The photovoltaic market is at the crossroads of Energy and the Environment, two growth drivers of the Air Liquide group.”

Peter Tyszewicz, President and CEO of Sixtron, said: “Air Liquide’s number one market position will allow Sixtron to support the crystalline-Silicon solar industry as it improves cell efficiency and reduces costs.”


标签: 太阳能
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