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   2010-05-31 pv-tech21世纪新能源12580

薄膜或晶光伏组件? 对新的太阳能光伏技术的快速引进的后果之一是在业界产生的一片嘘声。 光伏大规模的应用对与成本最优和与成本有关的任何问题都有相当高的敏感性。 因此,光伏项目开发的相关人员,在质疑是否已经到了组件技术转向模块大规模应用的阶段。 每一次接触这个问题的时候,都会有很多不同的观念出来。 光伏产业应该把考虑的重要问题提出来,为大规模光伏应用提供适当的选择,并且提供大量的参考信息。

Thin-film or crystalline photovoltaic modules? One of the consequences of the rapid introduction of new photovoltaic technologies is the buzz generated in the industry.

Large-scale photovoltaic applications are especially sensitive to any question connected with cost optimization. Therefore, stakeholders involved in photovoltaic project development are questioning whether the time has arrived to shift module technologies to large-scale applications. A great variety of opinions are exposed every time this question arises. This paper’s aim is to uncover the key questions that should be taken into consideration in order to select the proper technology for large-scale photovoltaic applications and to provide the maximum amount of practical,information for this decision


标签: 薄膜
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