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太阳能薄膜对Atlantis Solar 公司进行股份收购

   2010-06-01 pv-tech21世纪新能源13840

Solar Thin Films已经完全收购了Atlantis Solar发行的所有股票,并且让Atlantis公司运转成为全资子公司,Atlantis将由Akrion Systems的前总裁 James Molinaro来运营

预计Atlantis公司将于今年秋季在美国开始运营,对Atlantis太阳能电池板进行组装和生产,设备将会将同时促进晶体硅生产和无定形硅薄膜模块业的发展。 该公司已经收到了潜在购买了一项谅解备忘录,产能达到80mW的模块的结晶,它将拥有在未来3年内准1亿美元总收入。

Solar Thin Films has completed its acquisition of 100% of the issued and outstanding share of Atlantis Solar and will retain Atlantis as a wholly owned subsidiary. Atlantis is led by James Molinaro, who is the former head of Akrion  Systems.                    

Operations are expected to start this fall for Atlantis’ solar panel assembly and manufacturing facility in the U.S. The facility will produce both crystalline-silicon and amorphous-silicon thin-film modules. The company has already received an MOU for a potential purchase of up to 80MW of crystalline modules, which holds prospective gross revenue of $100 million over the next three years.


标签: 太阳能薄膜
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