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SunPower为罗马Montalto di Castro 光伏主题公园第二阶融资完成

   2010-06-01 ne21 翻译solarbuzz14160

    SunPower公司宣布,,为Montalto di Castro 太阳能光伏主题公园的第二阶段建设融资完成,共计4450万欧元,其中包括40万欧元长期贷款以及450万欧元设施短期增值税。该光伏园是意大利目前最大的光伏主题园区。随着2009年年底第一个24兆瓦的园(区)提前完成,第二阶段,包括2月开始建设的额外的8.8兆瓦(区),预计可于七月完成。

    整个85兆瓦的Montalto di Castro公园,位于Viterbo省(罗马以北大约100公里的 Lazio地区),今年年底完成并开始全面运作。Barclays Bank PLC银行是唯一贷款给该项目第二阶段的银行。

    该园第一阶段建设共耗时8个月,雇佣250多名工人和及10多家当地民用机械和电力服务公司。Terna SpA专门的设计建造了一个150兆瓦的变电站。游客中心还计划在站点提供太阳能和其他可再生能源知识教育。Montalto di Castro公园使用高效率的SunPower太阳能电池板,并安装了SunPower跟踪系统。

    SunPower Corporaiton today announced that financing of euro 44.5 million, made up of a term loan of euro 40 million and a short-term VAT facility of euro 4.5 million, has been finalized for the second phase of the Montalto di Castro solar photovoltaic power park, the largest in Italy.
With the first 24 megawatts (DC) of the park completed ahead of schedule at the end of 2009, this second phase includes an additional 8.8 megawatts (DC) that began construction in February and is expected to be complete in July.The entire 85-megawatt (DC) Montalto di Castro park, located approximately 100 kilometers north of Rome in the province of Viterbo (region of Lazio), is planned to be built and fully operational by the end of this year.

    The sole lending bank for the second phase of the project is Barclays Bank PLC, which is acting as mandated lead arranger, agent and account bank.

    Construction of the first phase of the Montalto park was completed in eight months and required more than 250 workers and the services of ten skilled local companies employed for civil, mechanical and electrical services. A dedicated 150-megawatt substation was designed and constructed by Terna SpA. A visitor center is also planned for the site to provide education on solar power and other renewable energy sources. The Montalto di Castro park uses high-efficiency SunPower solar panels, the most efficient panels commercially available, installed on a SunPower Tracker system.

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