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   2010-06-02 pv-tech21世纪新能源14000

一个月内,我们再次回顾铸锭和硅片生产产量,其继续向上攀升 ,台湾的绿色能源技术表示,公司计划在今年年底增加铝锭生产产量,在今年年底将会达到1GW。硅片生产商也声称这次扩产也是满足广大客户商对硅片的不断增长的需求。台湾绿色能源公司说,持续三个月产能一直增长,但公司现在也处于满负荷量生产状态。





In the second revision to its ingot and wafer capacity ramps in just a month, Taiwan-based Green Energy Technology (GET) said it is planning to increase ingot production to 1GW by the end of the year. The wafer producer noted that the expansions were to keep pace with tier-one customers’ expansion requests. GET has been at full capacity utilization despite capacity increases for three consecutive quarters.


GET said that ingot growing capacity is set to reach 600MW by the end of the second quarter and then increased to 1GW。 by end of the fourth quarter. Wafer slicing would increase to 500MW by the end of the second quarter, with further capacity expansions in the planning stage. Wafer-slicing capacity had previously been ramped from 300MW in February, to 360MW in April.


In regards to GET’s a-Si thin-film capacity, the company had recently noted in investor presentations that it had reached a nameplate capacity of 45MW and would be qualifying its super-sized (Applied Materials SunFab) modules in the first half of 2010, including semitransparent modules designed for BIPV applications.

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