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   2010-06-08 Solar Be 翻译Síle Mc Mahon14520

    有业界资深人士,Q-Cell前总裁Anton Milner做顾问,vogt已完成了英国第一个太阳能发电站。
    vogt瞄准了海外市场并有意邀请了Anton Milner做其顾问。Anton Milner在全球光伏市场的经验及德国公司专业知识无疑为Vogt锦上添花。

    With industry veteran and former Q-Cells CEO Anton Milner as advisor, vogt group has completed the UK’s first solar power plant. The 5MW installation is located on a 12.8 hectare site on a quarry in the southwest of England, and with its completion, the vogt group classes itself as the first German PV developer to conduct such a scale of business in the United Kingdom.

    The vogt group seems to be eyeing up overseas markets, having enlisted the expertise of Anton Milner, whose experience in the global PV market will undoubtedly stand the German company in good stead.

    The news is well timed; coinciding with the Doing Solar Business in the UK event, which is being held in Munich on June 8th, it seems that the reach of the solar industry is penetrating those markets that might once have been seen as unlikely contenders.

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