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   2010-06-23 Solar Be 翻译Unkown13560

代顿电力照明公司(Dayton Power & Light Company)今天宣布其在在美国俄亥俄州西南部蒙哥马利县的洋基变电站(Yankee)的1.1兆瓦(MW)太阳能装置安装拉开序幕,其中包括了超过9,000块来自夏普的太阳能电池组件,“扬基太阳电池阵”预计可产生足够150户家庭使用的电力。

    根据国家可再生能源的任务,到2025年,俄亥俄州25%的能量需来自来可再生资源 ――而且,这个数额的0.5个百分点应该是来自太阳的能源技术。

    Following the announcement of a new solar power plant in Wyandot County, Ohio, comes the completion of another solar thin-film installation ― the second the state has seen in as many weeks.

    Dayton Power & Light Company (DP&L), a utility, today announced the opening of a 1.1-megawatt (MW) solar installation at its Yankee substation in Montgomery County in southwestern Ohio. Comprised of over 9,000 thin-film solar modules from Sharp, the “Yankee Solar Array” is expected to generate enough electricity to power the equivalent of 150 homes.

    Under state renewable energy mandates, 25 percent of Ohio’s electricity is to come from renewable resources by 2025 ― and, of that amount, half a percent is supposed to come from solar energy technologies.

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