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   2010-07-12 Solar Be 翻译21世纪新能源12020

    印度太阳能生产协会主席Uttam Kumar Reddy饶有兴致的说, 截至今年8月,Jawaharlal Nehru National Solar Mission旗下的 100兆瓦太阳能发电项目将获中心奖励,这些项目分布在几个不同的州,包括Andhra Pradesh。
Uttam Kumar Redd说,为实现National Solar Mission一期建设1100兆瓦电厂目标,一批公共及私人公司的大/小型太阳能/光伏获准。




    印度SEMI总裁Sathya Prasad说,该中心已把此太阳能发电成本固定为17.90卢比。为此,中心将提供12.40卢比,而当地电网应支付5.50卢比。SEMI是印度的一个光伏产业组织。


    The Centre would award 100 Mw solar power projects under the Jawaharlal Nehru National Solar Mission by August this year for which several states, including Andhra Pradesh, have expressed interest, said Uttam Kumar Reddy, chairman, Solar Manufacturers Association of India .
    He said a number of proposals for setting up large and small solar/PV plants have been submitted by public and private companies to achieve the 1,100 Mw target in Phase I of the National Solar Mission.
With over Rs 17-crore (Rs 170-million) investment needed per Mw of solar power, an estimated Rs 18,000 crore (Rs 180 billion) investment would come in the Phase I.
    The mission aims at having 20,000 Mw by 2022.
    The present installed capacity is a mere 10 Mw. However, the recent policy initiatives will result in bigger projects coming up, said Prasad, who is also the convener of Solar Con India 2010, a three-day conference on solar power to be held here from July 28.
    However, the companies on the other hand are facing difficulties in finding investors or getting funds from the banks.
    The Centre has fixed the cost of one unit of solar power at Rs 17.90. Of this, it provides Rs 12.40 while the local discoms where it is connected to the grid should pay Rs 5.50, according to Sathya Prasad, president, SEMI India, a photovoltaic industry organisation.
    About five acre is needed for producing a Mw.

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