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Gefran 实践了其发展新能源的承诺

   2010-07-29 Gefran网站solarcreator13130

2010年7月20日,BS Energia电厂,由Ensun公司控股60%,Turra公司控股40%的新光伏电厂在Brescia建成。由Gefran集团和Metra集团创建的Ensun公司是意大利一家铝制品公司,其主要业务是为建筑业和其他行业提供铝材料。然而该公司光伏交钥匙工程的开发已经长达三年了。2009年该公司光伏项目上的销售额也已达到了1200万欧元,而Turra集团对于开发和安装光伏系统有着更多的经验。截止到2010年年底,该公司总建成系统项目将达到28MW。BS Energia计划于今年年底在Pugia建成5MW光伏电厂,涉及的投资额约为2000万欧元。

20.07.2010: BS Energia, a company owned 60% by Ensun and 40% by the Turra Group, has been set up in Brescia to develop photovoltaic power plants for the production of electricity. Ensun, founded by the Gefran Group and Metra, a leading Italian manufacturer of aluminium sections for the building industry and other industrial sectors, has been developing turn-key photovoltaic systems for over 3 years. In 2009 the company recorded a turnover of ?2m. The Turra Group, with which Ensun joined forces in the project to set up BS Energia, has lengthy experience in developing and installing large photovoltaic arrays. By the end of 2010 it will have logged systems capable of generating 28MW. BS Energia plans to develop by the end of this year 5MW of photovoltaic power plants in Puglia, involving investments of around ?0m. The inverters will be supplied by Gefran. ...
Source: Gefran S.p.A.

标签: 新能源,光伏
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