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General Mills Methuen 仓库是该公司第一个太阳能供电的美国仓库

   2010-07-29 ne21.comsolarcreator14450

General Mills 公司2010年7月23日宣布该公司位于Methuen的大型太阳能光伏屋顶项目竣工完成。该光伏系统将提供工厂仓库约80%的夏季以及40%的其他时节能源需求。
23.07.2010: Advancing General Mills’ commitment to renewable energy, the company today announced a major solar energy initiative at its Methuen, Mass., facility. With the installation of solar panels now complete, solar energy is expected to supply nearly 80 percent of the warehouse’s summertime power needs, and 40 percent of its needs the
rest of the year. The site, which produces yogurt, is the company’s first U.S. facility to produce its own electricity via solar energy. Today, at an on-site celebration, employees, government officials saw the solar panels first hand by way of a sky lift, which raised them to the roof for observation. The panels were designed and installed by clean energy company Nexamp. …

Source: General Mills Inc.

标签: 美国,光伏
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