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   2010-07-30 ne21.com21世纪新能源15170

    日前, Rostovteploelektroproekt工程公司的首席专家表示,2011年,俄罗斯的第一座太阳能电站将可能在北高加索的度假城市基斯洛沃茨克开工。
     当前,工程公司表示,把电站设计修建在基斯洛沃茨克的经济效益是最大的.原因在于, 电站所在地的太阳辐射强度是该地区最高的。
    一旦电站竣工, 其将为基斯洛沃茨克周边地区提供电力和供热。 而电站发电后的热水将被储存在于专用的贮存设备,以待阴天时候使用。


                Construction of first Russian solar plant may start in 2011
    Construction of the first Russian solar plant may start in the North Caucasus resort city of Kislovodsk in 2011, the chief specialist of the Rostovteploelektroproekt engineering company said on Thursday.
    The general capacity of the solar plant will be 13 MW. The plant will produce both heating and electricity.
    The project investment volume is 3 billion rubles ($99 million), 30% of this amount will come from the state budget and private investors are expected provide the remaining 70%.
    The engineering company said locating the solar plant in Kislovodsk is most profitable because the intensity of solar radiation is the highest in the region.
    The solar plant will provide areas surrounding Kislovodsk with electricity and heating.Hot water will be stored in special storage facilities to be used when overcast weather prevails.





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