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   2010-07-30 ne21.com21世纪新能源13270

    近日, Plastiki在经过遥远的太平洋航行之后在悉尼海港停泊,Plastiki是一艘使用废弃塑料瓶子改装的航船。该船的启航是为提高人们对塑料废物在海洋和垃圾填埋场里有害的认识。近日,活动领导David De Rothschild携带全体船员于旧金山出发,结束了耗时130天的旅程。
    该小船使用12,500个再生塑料瓶建成。除了Plastiki的帆,风轮机可进行风力发电外, 太阳能电池板也可提供可再生电力。
    在达到海港时,一小型舰队迎接海员们顺利到达港口,十名船员的家属,朋友和支持者纷纷前来,为其举行了热烈的归来仪式。 据Plastiki博客,在行驶期间,船员们目睹了塑胶废物对海洋的严重污染及危害,这也更加坚定了他们的使命。 

                 plastiki boat

    Sydney Harbour was abuzz  as the crew of the Plastiki, a boat made from recycled plastic bottles, ended its voyage across the Pacific ocean earlier this month. The ship set sail to raise awareness about the harmful effects of plastics in our oceans and landfills. The crew, including project leader David De Rothschild, ended a 130-day trip that began this Spring in San Francisco.
    The boat was constructed using 12,500 reclaimed plastic bottles.Besides the wind energy harnessed by the Plastiki’s sail, wind turbines and solar panels provide renewable power as well.
    A flotilla of boats welcomed the seafarers and guided them into port, where friends, family and supporters awaited the 10 crew members with an arrival ceremony. According to the Plastiki Blog, all on board witnessed the pollution ― much of it plastic waste ― slowly strangling our oceans,



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