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Certain Teed、 新泽西合作 870千瓦太阳能项目

   2010-08-09 Solar Be 翻译Agent Staff15100

    未来20年内,NJRCEV将租用CertainTeed 30多万平方英尺的屋顶,并已与该公司签订了购电协议。作为这一耗资50万美元项目的一部分,NJRCEV将安装由美国太阳能提供的最先进的屋面材料和太阳能薄膜电池新屋顶层板。所产生的能源将获可再生能源证书(SRECs),可以出售给新泽西州负载服务企业以满足其使用可再生能源的要求。该项目预计每年将产生超1000多 SRECs。
    最近新泽西州的其他太阳能项目还包括Dow Jones 的4.1兆瓦太阳能发电系统以及Carrier 诊所、ShopRite精英超市、世界花卉和迪娜室内装饰和皮革店所用设施。

     NJR Clean Energy Ventures (NJRCEV) plans to lease space atop of CertainTeed’s fiberglass insulation distribution facility in Berlin, New Jersey, for a rooftop solar system. The solar project will generate 870-kilowatts (kW) of electricity and eliminate 800 tons of CO2 annually. The solar system is expected to provide nearly 90 percent of the building’s electricity needs.

    NJRCEV will lease more than 300,000 square feet of roof space from CertainTeed for 20 years and has entered into a concurrent Power Purchase Agreement with the company.As a part of this $5-million project, NJRCEV will install a new roof with state-of-the-art roof materials and thin-film solar laminates from United Solar.The energy produced will be eligible for Solar Renewable Energy Certificates (SRECs), which can be sold to load serving businesses in New Jersey to meet their renewable energy requirements. The project is expected to generate more than 1,000 SRECs annually.

    Investments made by NJRCEV will qualify for a 30 percent federal investment tax credit, and revenues generated from the Power Purchase Agreement will provide additional return on investment.

    The solar system is expected to be operational by January 2011.

    Other recent solar projects in New Jersey includes Dow Jones’ 4.1-megawatt solar power system, as well as installations at Carrier Clinic, a ShopRite supermarket, World Class Flowers and Dina’s Interiors & Leather store.

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