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   2010-08-10 ne21.com21世纪新能源14470

    目前看来, 英国安装太阳能光伏(PV)系统的家庭数量正在惊人地增加.这致使英国成为使用该技术发展最快的市场.
    据相关研究,到2010年,英国光伏系统安装量将达到96MW。 这意味着与2009年的6MW相比,会大大增加1500%.

     UK Now the Fastest Growing Solar Photovoltaics Market
It now appears that there has been a very dramatic increase in the number of homes in the UK that are being fitted with solar photovoltaic (PV) systems. This has now made the UK the world’s fastest growing market for this kind of technology.
According to some new research that was done by iSuppli, the installations of PV systems in the UK will amount to 96MW in 2010. This means that it will represent a 1,500 percent increase from the 6MW of energy that is generated by this kind of technology in 2009.
This large increase, of course, overshadows the rate of growth to the UK’s nearest rival Spain. iSuppli estimates that Spain’s percentage of growth will be around 730 percent. Although this is still a very impressive number it is not as impressive as the numbers the UK is putting up.


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