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Innotech 太阳能公司:新的离网组件正在展现极具吸引力的性价比

   2010-08-26 ne21solarbe15270

Innotech 太阳能公司准备在国际光伏展会EU PVSEC上展示其设计的专为离网太阳能光伏系统准备的ITS off-grid 太阳能组件。该新组件有着特别突出的性价比优势。

ITS off-grid 组件不光是在欧洲的离网光伏系统中大受欢迎,该组件同时也极为适合在非洲和南美洲的未开放地区的市场发展。


Innotech Solar is set to present its new “ITS Off-grid” solar module at the international trade show EU PVSEC. Designed for grid-independent solar installations, the new module has a particularly favorable price-performance ratio.

Its special product design, which uses short cells strings, allows a large number of different solar cell types to be used, including half and third cells. The IEC certified, standard version of the off-grid module has a capacity of 80 Wp, though customized modules can be commissioned from as little as 5Wp.

“Our new module fits in very well with the Innotech Solar business model. On the one hand we are once again optimizing the solar value-added chain by ensuring that more cells are used efficiently. On the other, enlarging our product range brings us one step closer to achieving our goal of offering every client the right module for their specific needs,” says Dr Thomas Hillig, sales director for Europe at Innotech Solar.
Although the ‘ITS Off-grid’ module from Innotech Solar is an attractive option for users in Europe who would like to install a grid-independent power supply, it is also particularly suitable for the African and South American markets whose power grids are often underdeveloped.

The new module type is Innotech Solar’s third product line which involves processing and optimizing solar cells to create cost-effective, highly efficient modules. This is achieved through two procedures. In the first of these, cell impurities are isolated using lasers. The second procedure entails removing parts of non-functioning cells ? also using laser technology ? in such a way that the remaining parts of the cells can operate at full capacity. These half and third cells are used in the "ITS Economy half cell” and “ITS Economy third cell” modules.

The new module type will be on show from September 6-9 at the Innotech Solar booth L3/H1/D31 at the 25th European Photovoltaic Solar Energy Conference and Exhibition (25th EU PVSEC) in Valencia, Spain.

标签: 光伏,产业
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