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   2010-08-30 ne21.com21世纪新能源16420

加利福尼亚的帝王谷太阳能项目得到了加利福尼亚能源委员会的建设批准,该项目选址在El Centro 西部14米的地方。

设施的主要设备包括28,000 个25KW太阳能发电系统或者是引擎设计转化太阳能接收器,引擎太阳能接收器包括光伏接收转换器,闭路高效引擎,这些都是要把太阳能转化成旋转功率,并且使发电装置发电。

A California Energy Commission (CEC) siting committee is recommending approval of the planned Imperial Valley Solar Project in Imperial County, Calif. The Imperial Valley Solar Project is being developed by Imperial Valley Solar LLC largely on public land managed by the federal Bureau of Land Management. The project site is located approximately 14 miles west of El Centro.

The primary equipment for the generating facility would include approximately 28,000 25 kW solar dish Stirling systems, or SunCatchers, consisting of a solar receiver heat exchanger and a closed-cycle, high-efficiency engine designed to convert solar power to rotary power and drive an electrical generator to produce electricity.




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