张。根据ISuppli公司的报告,安大略的光伏系统安装有望在2010年达到257MW,比去年的69MW 增加了272.5%。但是这种安装的增长趋势将在2010年后明显变缓,预计将在2011年增
26.08.2010: Aggressive government incentives are set to trigger booming growth in solar installations in Ontario, Canada, in 2010―but regulations requiring
the use of locally sourced photovoltaic (PV) products will cause the expansion to slow dramatically in 2011, according to market research firm iSuppli Corp.
Ontario’s PV solar technology system installations are expected to rise to 257 Megawatts (MW) in 2010, up 272.5 percent from 69 MW in 2009. However,
installation growth will slow dramatically in 2010, rising by 75.5 percent to 451 MW in 2011. …
Source: iSuppli Corporation
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