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Martifer 太阳能公司将在靠近米兰的地方建设一个规模为3MW的光伏项目

   2010-09-07 ne21世纪新能源网19980
核心提示:Martifer SGPS,SA集团的全资子公司Martifer 太阳能公司将在靠近意大利经济中心米兰的伦巴第地区建设一个3MW的太阳能光伏电厂。在

Martifer SGPS,SA集团的全资子公司Martifer 太阳能公司将在靠近意大利经济中心米兰的伦巴第地区建设一个3MW的太阳能光伏电厂。在光伏市场迅速扩张的意大利,该公司目前已经成为了该国光伏届提供交钥匙工程的领头羊。而且相对于今年上半年的员工人数,下半年伊始该公司的员工总数翻了一番。


31.08.2010: Martifer Solar, owned by Martifer SGPS, SA, will supply a turnkey project, composed of three ground-mounted photovoltaic solar plants, near the economic heart of Italy, in the Lombardy Region, totalling 3 MW of peak power. In great expansion in Italy, the company is already one of the key players in the PV sector in the country, having more than doubled the number of workers during the first semester of the year.
Martifer Solar has already constructed several parks in the Basilicata, Sicilia and Apulia regions, totalling more than 7 MWp. …

标签: 光伏,产业
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