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   2023-01-06 中国石化新闻网6580
核心提示:中国石化新闻网讯 据管道天然气杂志网1月3日报道,德国公用事业公司Uniper周四表示,该公司参与了与阿联酋清洁能源公司马斯达尔(Masdar)的一个绿色氢项目,证实了彭博社的一篇报道。在欧盟委员会(European Commission)批准后,柏林政府本周完成了对Uniper的

中国石化新闻网讯 据管道&天然气杂志网1月3日报道,德国公用事业公司Uniper周四表示,该公司参与了与阿联酋清洁能源公司马斯达尔(Masdar)的一个绿色氢项目,证实了彭博社的一篇报道。

在欧盟委员会(European Commission)批准后,柏林政府本周完成了对Uniper的345亿欧元(合365.5亿美元)援助。由于地缘政治冲突后Uniper面临天然气价格飙升的风险,国有化是必要的。





彭博社援引马斯达尔清洁能源执行董事穆罕默德·阿卜杜勒卡达尔·埃尔·拉马希(Mohammad Abdelqadar El Ramahi)的采访称,马斯达尔和Uniper将建造一座1.3吉瓦的太阳能发电厂,预计从2026年开始通过电解生产清洁氢。

郝芬 译自 管道&天然气杂志网


Uniper Says Working with UAE's Masdar on Hydrogen Project

German utility Uniper on Thursday said it was involved in a project with the United Arab Emirates (UAE) clean energy company Masdar to produce green hydrogen, confirming a report on Bloomberg.

The Berlin government this week completed a 34.5 billion euro ($36.55 billion) bailout of Uniper, following European Commission approval, a nationalization made necessary because of Uniper's exposure to surging gas prices following the war.

The war has sharpened Germany's focus on security of supply and the use of green hydrogen produced using renewable energy that is compatible with European Union climate goals.

It expects to need imports to complement domestic production.

A spokesperson for the Duesseldorf-based firm said Uniper is actively involved in large-scale hydrogen projects in the Middle East, with a view to exporting hydrogen to Europe and Asian markets.

"The project in UAE with MASDAR has already seen impressive public support," the spokesperson said, adding Uniper declined to provide further detail at this stage.

The Bloomberg report said that Masdar and Uniper will build a 1.3 gigawatt solar plant from which they expect to produce clean hydrogen via electrolysis from 2026, citing an interview with Masdar's executive director for clean energy, Mohammad Abdelqadar El Ramahi.

($1 = 0.9439 euros)

标签: 德国 阿联酋 氢能
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