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   2011-09-12 30510
核心提示:按照BHF银行Goetz Fischbeck的说法,为期一周的汉堡光伏展商,降价是一个主流的话题。 考虑到需求的下降和组件库存水位依旧很高,大陆
按照BHF银行Goetz Fischbeck的说法,为期一周的汉堡光伏展商,降价是一个主流的话题。


在展会开始的论坛上,来自LDK的Stuart Brannigan表示他坚信许多系统集成商从展会一开始就在等待组件价格能够报出地板价,而BHF银行Goetz Fischbeck也分析,所有来自中国大陆一线的制造商都愿意将2012年的出货价格压在低于0.7欧(合0.96美金),但这个价格是很难达让每个企业都做到盈亏平衡的,所以欧洲的企业难免在这样一波价格压力下遭受重创。





Cold winds off the harbor blew hard as the 26th EU PVSEC closes in Hamburg. Visitor numbers were stagnant and many reported slow business and observed massively slashed module prices.

With visitor numbers not increasing, EU PVSEC has witnessed module prices falling rapidly. Image: EU PVSEC.During the week-long trade fair, according to Goetz Fischbeck from BHF Bank, falling prices was the major story.

Due to slow demand and high inventory levels, Chinese Tier 1 manufacturers lowered their prices during the show from 0.89 euro cents per watt peak (p/Wp) on the Monday to 0.76 p/Wp by Thursday. By the final day of the show, Tier 2 manufacturers were selling their modules below 0.70 euro cents p/Wp.

At the first business forum held at EU PVSEC, Chinese manufacturer LDK's Stuart Brannigan said that he believed that many integrators were waiting for prices to hit rock bottom before committing.

BHF’s Fischbeck, in his analysis, continues that at these pricing levels, for 2012 deliveries, "all top manufactures from China agree that prices for modules will be below 0.70 euro cents p/Wp," which is less than breakeven prices. European manufacturers may also suffer under these price pressures.

"The shakeout of the photovoltaic manufactures has just begun," concludes Fischbeck. "Only the companies with the strongest balance sheets that can endure potentially two years with significant losses stand a chance to survive."

Companies are currently reorganizing operations to reduce costs. Conergy announced today that it will shut down its wafer and cell operations in Germany, affecting around 300 workers.

German equipment manufacturers haven’t been spared the pain. At the beginning of the week, a report by the German equipment manufactures association (VDMA) has shown orders in third quarter of 2011 have fallen year-on-year by 56 percent.

"I’m optimistic that orders will pick up again soon," Peter Fath, spokesman from the VDMA photovoltaic section and CTO Centrotherm told pv magazine. Manz also reported that while orders were not flowing in, good interest was shown in its Copper Indium Gallium (di)selenide (CIGS) thin-film turnkey line.

Fischbeck is less optimistic for the German equipment suppliers, because they are facing increasing competition. "Chinese equipment suppliers have been able to capture up to 30 percent market share with the Tier 1 manufacturers from China and even higher shares with Tier 2 and Tier 3 manufactures."

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