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   2008-06-27 中电电气(南京)光伏有限公司曹宇20700

China Sunergy中电电气(南京)光伏有限公司与欧洲REC 硅片公司签定七年期的高质量单晶156硅片供应合同,合同期限2009至2015。总合同金额估计超过4亿美圆。China Sunergy相信通过与新供应商伙伴的合作,将减少对现货硅片市场的依赖,由此可以缓解近期硅片成本过高对利润造成的压力。

China Sunergy Signs Wafer Supply Agreement

NANJING, China, June 25, 2008 /Xinhua-PRNewswire via COMTEX News Network/ -- China Sunergy Co., Ltd. (Nasdaq: CSUN), a specialized solar cell manufacturer based in Nanjing, China, announced today that it has entered into a supply agreement (the "Agreement") with the European wafer provider REC Wafer for a high quality supply of monocrystalline 156-millimeter wafers for the seven years from 2009 through 2015.

The scheduled shipments are expected to begin in early 2009 and be completed at the end of 2015. Both amount and price are fixed according to the thickness of wafer and the year of shipment, with some flexibility on amounts within certain limits. Total purchases of wafers by China Sunergy from REC Wafer are expected to exceed $400 million over the life of the Agreement.

China Sunergy believes that, by partnering with its new supplier, it is reducing its reliance on the spot market, and it believes that the cost savings involved will ease the pressure it has recently seen on its margins.

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