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德国可能呼吁欧盟 对中国太阳能电池板征收高关税

   2012-06-04 18050
核心提示:世纪新能源网据彭博社报道,德国环境部长Peter Altmaier对商业刊物《WirtschaftsWoche》表示,德国可能会呼吁欧盟,对低于成本价格 出
世纪新能源网据彭博社报道,德国环境部长Peter Altmaier对商业刊物《WirtschaftsWoche》表示,德国可能会呼吁欧盟,对低于成本价格 出售的中国产太阳能电池板征收高关税

Germany may call on the European Union to apply high import tariffs on Chinese solar panels that are sold at less than production costs, Environment Minister Peter Altmaier told the WirtschaftsWoche busniess magazine.

Germany is trying to slow down the expansion of solar energy to cut power prices, yet the country’s solar-panel makers face unfair competition from subsidized Chinese manufacturers, Altmaier told the weekly magazine. The U.S. in May raised import duties on Chinese-made panels for the same reason, WiWo said.

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