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   2009-04-21 ne21.com21世纪新能源13390

Sunfilm AG已成为应用材料SunFab薄膜线的第一家经过资格认证了的串结电池量产的客户。该公司承认,2009年4月14日开始量产转换效率达8%的组件。Sunfilm于2006年成立,位于德国Grossroehrsdorf,由Good Energies和NorSun共同组建。

Sunfilm AG has become the first Applied Materials SunFab thin film customer to qualify tandem junction cells for volume production. Factory acceptance was said to have taken place on April 14, 2009, with module efficiencies of up to 8%. Sunfilm AG was established at the end of 2006 by Good Energies and NorSun and is located in Grossroehrsdorf, Germany.

“This is excellent news for our existing and future customers,” said Dr. Sicco W.T. Westra, Chief Business Development Officer of Sunfilm. “We can now begin delivery of our products in larger quantities. With a total annualized capacity of over 120MWp between this first production line and our second production line that we plan to start up later this year, we are in a strong position to fulfill market demand.”

“This is an outstanding accomplishment for both Sunfilm and Applied. It demonstrates technical excellence and our ability to collaborate and execute to enable our customer’s success,” said Dr. Randhir Thakur, senior vice president, general manager SunFab Thin Film Solar and Display Business Group. “Rapidly driving leading edge technology into manufacturing is a core capability of Applied and this milestone is another demonstration of our ability to quickly move tandem junction technology from the lab to commercial production.”

Although the thin film panels are 5.7m2, Sunfilm like Signet Solar is making available modules of various sizes. With tandem junction cells, Sunfilm said that its 1.4m2 module generates up to 115Wp, while a full-size 5.7m2 panel will deliver about 450Wp.


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