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   2014-07-11 世纪新能源网13550
核心提示:第八届光伏国际联盟CEO高峰论坛Accessory two: The 8th PV International Industry Union CEO summit BBS日程安排Schedule9月10


Accessory two: The 8th PV International Industry Union CEO summit BBS



9月10日 光伏电站智能机器人新产品推广及新闻发布会

Sept.10th Promotion and press conference for new products of intelligent robot for Photovoltaic power station

08:00-13:00 报到 Register

13:00-15:30 观看智能机器人现场演示 Watch the intelligent robots live demonstration

15:00-17:30 光伏电站智能机器人新产品推广及新闻发布会

Promotion and press conference for new products of intelligent robot for Photovoltaic power

17:30-20:00 欢迎晚宴 Welcome dinner

9月11日 光伏电站高品质运行和低成本维护主题论坛

Sept.11th high quality running and low cost maintenance for Photovoltaic power station BBS

08:00-08:45 主题论坛大会报到 meetingRegister

08:45-09:00 主持人致开场白(论坛开幕)Opening speech

09:00-09:10 主题论坛大会主席致辞 President speech

09:10-09:25 主题发言 Keynote Speech


Authority: the importance of O&M and prospect for photovoltaic power station (or data)

09:25-10:25 上半场In the first half




The importance of ground station O&M and prospectO&M standards, O&M processes, O&M equipment, personnel requirements, monitor system, O&M breakdown, generating capacity insurance, O&M data, etc. After power plant completed, all additional investment costs belong to the category of the O&M.The present status of the ground power plant O&M analysis, importance, prospect and how to improve efficiency of O&M manage







O&M experts for large foreign photovoltaic power plant: the present situation of the photovoltaic power plant O&M and experience overseas

O&M experts for large domestic photovoltaic power plant: the present situation of the domestic photovoltaic power plant O&M and experience domestic

Photovoltaic power station design institute, equipment manufacturers, or intelligence system designers: standard, safety and importance

Banks, insurance companies, power companies, the owner of the investment: O&M services and plant asset appraisal necessity

10:25-10:35 提问与回答Question and answer

10:35-10:50 茶歇 Tea time

10:50-11:50 下半场 In the second half




The importance of distributed photovoltaic power plant O&M and prospectO&M standards, O&M processes, O&M equipment, personnel requirements, monitor system, O&M breakdown, generating capacity insurance, O&M data, energy storage system, etc. After power plant completed, all additional investment costs belong to the category of the O&M.Distributed power plant is more complicated than the ground station, safety is the first element, such as: lightning protection, waterproof, fireproof doors, insulation, etc. In addition to the plant O&M, for different building itself, also need to come up with regular O&M scheme of construction, to ensure the safe operation of the power plant.



国内分布式光伏电站运维专家:国内分布式光伏电站运维的现状和经验 光伏电站的设计院、设备生产商或智能系统设计者:标准、安全和重要性



O&M experts for distributed photovoltaic power plant overseas: the present status of distributed photovoltaic power plant operations and experience overseas

Domestic O&M experts for distributed photovoltaic power plant: the present situation of the distributed photovoltaic power plant O&M and experience of photovoltaic power station

Design institute, equipment manufacturers, or intelligent system designers: standard, safety and importance

Banks, insurance companies, power companies, the owner of the investment: O&M services and plant asset appraisal necessity

11:50-12:00 提问与回答 Questions and answers

12:00-13:30 主题论坛大会结束,自助午餐 buffet lunch after BBS

专题场 Special part

14:00-14:30 电网调度对电能质量的要求

Requirements for power grid dispatching to power quality

14:30-15:00 储能系统在分布式光伏电站中的作用和方向

The function and direction of energy storage system in the distributed photovoltaic power station

15:00-15:30 电站运行中组件、逆变器的质保售后维护

The maintenance of module, inverter warranty after-sale in the operation of the plant

15:30-16:00 专业软件(数据中心)对运维效率的提升和作用

Professional software (data center) to promote the efficiency of operations and functions

16:00-16:30 第三方检测评估对后期运维的指导意义

Third party inspection assessment guiding significance to O&M afterwards

16:00-17:00 欧洲(或日本、美国)光伏项目运维经验分享

Europe (or Japan, the United States) photovoltaic project O&A experience to share

17:30-19:30 全体合影、招待晚宴 Photos and dinner

9月12日 参观交流青岛光伏分布式电站运用或低碳小镇建设

Sept.12th Visit and exchanges Qingdao photovoltaic distributed power stations application or construction of low carbon small town

07:00-09:00 早餐后部分代表酒店大厅集合(其余自行安排)

Part of the guests gather after breakfast in hotel lobby (the rests arrange themselves)

09:00-11:00 参观青岛某低碳小镇建设或分布式电站的经验交流

Visit a low carbon small town in Qingdao or photovoltaic distributed power stations to share the experience.

11:00-12:00 中餐 Lunch

12:00- 送嘉宾,论坛顺利结束 Send off guests, BBS end smoothly
标签: 光伏国际联盟
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