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IBC太阳能和SGS TÜV共同开发最新光伏组件质量标准

   2010-04-02 IBC SOLAR21世纪新能源16230

 光伏专家IBC SOLAR AG为其光伏组件建立新的质量标准,同时认为,组件不仅要保证有较高的质量,还要保证生产过程的透明和正常运行。德国独立测试机构----SGS-TÜV 公司的 “认证供应商”标准审查----第二方评估光伏组件生产商审查,IBC太阳能与其共同发展。这不仅保证了生产,也能保证公司的管理,也受到了社会监督。

来自于SGS-TÜV重要账户经理系统和服务认证的Dirk Schmidt认为:如今管理,组织和生产过程都是重中之重,在过去找出产品的瑕疵然后将其消除这是非常有必要的,但是现代公司更加注重在“发现问题前解决问题”。有效的组织和过程是质量的重要基础,这在每个行业都奏效。统一的标准能加强生产过程和服务的国际对比。


IBC SOLAR and SGS TÜV develop new quality standard for photovoltaic modules

Bad Staffelstein, March 31, 2010 ? The photovoltaic specialist IBC SOLAR
AG is establishing new quality standards for its solar modules. Through
external production audits, the photovoltaic company is ensuring that
its modules are not only high quality, but also that the entire
manufacturing process runs transparently and flawlessly. IBC SOLAR
developed with the renowned independent German testing institute SGS-TÜV
GmbH the criteria for the “Certified Supplier” audit, a second party
audit that assesses manufacturers of solar modules. It is not only
production quality that comes under scrutiny, but also company
management and topics such as social responsibility.

“Management, organization and manufacturing processes are the main focus
today. In the past, it was necessary to identify product flaws and then
eliminate them, but modern companies place more emphasis on eliminating
possible sources of errors beforehand,” explains Dirk Schmidt, Key
Account Manager Systems & Services Certification of SGS-TÜV. “Efficient
forms of organisation and processes are an important basis for
first-rate quality in every industry and business, regardless of its
size. Uniform standards enable international comparison of manufacturing
processes and services. We have developed an extensive criteria
catalogue together with IBC SOLAR; our experienced auditors therefore
ensure high standards in certified manufacturing companies.”

The test seal covers areas including the general impression of the
company, data transfer and the security of IT, the adequacy of the
production machines, quality management, the extent of the test
equipment, the test processes and production control, amongst other
things. In addition to these scrupulous details, flexible aspects such
as dealing with employees, employees’ qualifications and working
conditions are considered in the test. In order to become a “Certified
Supplier”, companies must demonstrate the corresponding qualifications
in a test lasting several days.

“The safety and quality of our products starts at the manufacturer. With
this certification, we want to define uniform standards and maintain
these in the long-term in order to guarantee the end customers the
highest level of quality,” explains Marco Siller, Product Management
Director at IBC SOLAR. “With this audit, we want to support our
suppliers in fulfilling the environmental and social criteria in their
production processes. We are bringing our 28 years’ business experience
to the certification.”

IBC SOLAR is a leading global photovoltaic specialist for photovoltaic
systems, offering complete solutions for power production from solar
energy. The firm covers the entire spectrum, from planning to the
turnkey handover of photovoltaic installations. Globally, IBC SOLAR has
already implemented more than 100,000 turnkey photovoltaic systems with
a total power output of 800 megawatt (MWp). The scale of these
installations ranges from large photovoltaic power stations and solar
parks which feed electricity into the network, to off-grid systems. IBC
SOLAR sells its photovoltaic components and systems through an extensive
network of trade par

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