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   2010-07-15 ne2121世纪新能源14580

LDK太阳能公司已经与Enel集团与意大利组件供应Enel.Si S.r.l.公司签署了合同。

根据协议的条款,赛维LDK太阳能将给Enel提供LDK太阳能品牌的组件共50 MW的合同,在本季度将交付30兆瓦,2010年的第四选择交付剩余的20MW。

“我们很高兴与Enel公司签署这个销售协议,Enel是全球公认的供应商和电力生产方面的的领袖,”彭小峰董事长兼首席执行官太阳能民盟。 “这个合同也是我们继续扩大生产的动力。我们希望继续扩大与Enel公司未来的合作伙伴关系。”

LDK Solar has signed a module supply contract with Italy-based Enel.Si S.r.l., a wholly owned subsidiary of Enel S.p.A.

Under terms of the agreement, LDK Solar will supply Enel with LDK Solar branded modules totaling 50 megawatts (MW), with 30 MW deliverable in this quarter and an option for an additional 20 MW in the fourth quarter of 2010.

"We are very pleased to enter this sales agreement with Enel, a globally recognized power provider and dedicated leader in the production of PV systems," stated Xiaofeng Peng, Chairman and CEO of LDK Solar. "As demonstrated by this contract, our module business continues to build momentum. We hope to continue to expand our relationship with Enel and partner on future projects."

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